So Who Do You Know?

“It’s not about WHAT you know, it’s about WHO you know.”

If I had a nickel for every time I heard this, I probably wouldn’t even need to find a job.

But what exactly does this mean?

  • What if you don’t know “anyone?” Are you hopeless to find a job?
  • What if you know a ton of well connected people and land a job, but have no skills or experience?

From my experience and the advice that I have received from professionals have included that landing the interview is usually the hardest part. Especially in our current job market with so many fighting for the few open positions, it seems more likely that a company will trust a recommendation from a friend or employee, rather than based on what is on the resume of a stranger. Having great job experience is very important, but it sadly can take a backseat to a verbal recommendation from a trusted source.

So in the end, is it may be more beneficial to focus on networking rather than adding to your resume?

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